We are pleased to have been invited to join the industries leading players in talks about the road to becoming net zero and sustainable practices within lighting.
Held in the heart of London, yesterday’s conference included talks and discussions from the experts of companies such as Epson, BSI, Stoane Lighting, Nulty and WSP, and we were immersed in real world examples of sustainable practices and the journey to making our world a better place for future generations.
It was great to see so many companies with the same passion for change as Kingfisher and the wider Luceco Group, as well as picking up tips for own journey to net zero.
Kingfisher’s Head of Technical, James Miles added,
“It was good to see representation from all aspects of the lighting industry coming together to address climate change, and interesting to see different ideas and methodology to put in practice. This collaborative forum explored new ideas and has inspired us to introduce new practices for our own net zero targets.”
Watch this space as we embark on a new series all about sustainability, net zero targets and thought leadership pieces to inspire our customers and suppliers to adopt new practices in order to create a more sustainable world.